Monday, October 29, 2018

Portrait photos of Raymond towner

Portraits of Raymond Towner

Photo 1, Raymond in his natural habitat

Photo 2, Raymond with his beloved Layout boat

Photo 3, Gritty close up of Raymond.

            For this assignment I took several portraits of my good friend and Roommate Raymond Towner. For the first photo the light in the room was kind of lacking so I set my cameras shutter speed to 1250 and my aperture to F4 and my ISO at 25600. For the rest of the pictures I shot in the same settings of 1250 with an ISO of 100 and f4. Raymond is graduating this fall and is graduating with an Agriculture business degree. An interesting fact about Raymond is he is an avid Duck hunter and spends his winters in Kansas lakes and marshes, he recently sucked me into the hobby and has shown me how expensive but fun it is.

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